Economic development projects
Whether you have just started to talk about getting serious about economic development, or you need fresh professional insights into the best steps forward - we are passionate about helping you move forward.
Projects from Community Branding to Industrial Attraction and Local Business Expansion are at the core of your community's success. Let's talk about the unique advantages of your community and what we can do to leverage opportunity in your favour.

Tourism Opportunity Identification
Have you ever gone on holidays and marvelled at the cool stuff that is being done, just down the road, or on the other side of the world?
Tourism often gets jumbled into the Economic Development category for good reason, it's a very important and growing sector of your local econonomy.
While you may think that tourists are really "phantom investors" - (often you don't see them except when you are waiting in traffic as you admire their unique fashions and the sense of awe that they often display) but they represent Billions of investment when considered on a national level.
We want to help you develop the stories and experiences that grows this part of your economy.

Community Evaluations and Process Improvements
Not sure if you are keeping pace with the community down the road? Consider opportunities to do things better, be more efficient and give your citizens more to be proud about.
There are barriers to running the perfect municipality, we just want to help you remove as many of them as possible, while giving everyone the best value for their tax dollar.
Talk to us about how we can help you to go through your organization in a super-collaborative way will optimize the systems and approaches to make sense of cutting costs and increasing your revenues at the same time.
It's not magic, but it is powerful when we combine positive energy with a view to future success.

A Full Range of Municipal Services
We love helping municipalities of all sizes to make the decisions that help you build the highest quality of life in your communties.
Our team has a diverse background of experts that can introduce you to new ways to tackle opportunities and challenges in many municipal service areas like:
- Economic Development
- Strategic Planning
- Group Facilitation
- Governance and Operations Planning
- Affordable Housing Reviews
- Communications and Marketing
- Land Development and Sales
- Grant Sourcing and Application Support
- Tourism
- Financial Administration
- Municipal Planning
- Development Control
- Recreation (programming, operations and capital development)
- Arts and Culture
- Heritage and Downtown Revitalization
- Social Planning and Community Social Development
- New Media Development and Administration
And we're happy to refer you to whoever would be the best fit for your organization.
Next Steps...
Call today so that we can discuss the best way forward.